Empowering your Discord Community through Reports Welcome to Report Bot's website, take a look around.
Report Bot Embed

Report Bot

Empower your community

Allow your server members to assist moderators by report suspicious, questionable, or rule violating behavior to your moderation team. Through our report embed moderators will be able to take one of the listed suggested actions to moderate or not moderate the users.

Lookup Embed

Look up

Keep track of user reports

Easily look up report details on members or cases withing your server. Using our advanced /lookup commands you can find this information fast.

Lookup Embed


Simple. Fast. Configured.

You can customize multiple Report Bot features within your server. Our configuration system is simple and fast to use so you can quickly empower your community.



Continuing to empower your community...

Behind the scenes, we're working around the clock to make sure you can seamlessly enjoy your experience with Report Bot. We are always coming out with new features, bug fixes, and more.


Ready to report?

Add Report Bot to your Discord server today to empower your community through our advanced report system!

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